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Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo appellants challenged a rule requiring the commercial herring fishing industry to fund at-sea monitoring programs. Learn what precedents this has set.
In the U.S., discrimination against pregnant workers is prohibited by law and employers must provide accommodations for pregnant employees in the workplace. Recent changes in the law, including regulatory guidance from the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), are available to help employers navigate the legal landscape of pregnancy discrimination.
The Federal Trade Commission issued a final rule—the Non-Compete Clause Rule—to ban non-compete agreements nationwide. Learn how non-compete agreements are regulated across the United States, and how human resources professionals should consider addressing this new rule.
Explore the fundamental concepts of branding laws and gain insight into the vital role of social media policies. By understanding these elements, you can prevent legal missteps that could otherwise undermine your company’s reputation and financial stability.
Companies are responsible for adhering to employment regulations, and diversity training can help. Besides the legal benefits, a robust diversity training program demonstrates that an organization cares about its ethical responsibilities. This guide explains the various types of diversity and inclusion training.
Sexual harassment remains a pervasive issue in the workplace, undermining the safety, dignity and career progression of countless individuals. This post aims to demystify the legal nuances of sexual harassment, providing clarity on its various forms and the recourse available to victims.
Navigating the intricacies of workplace attire often poses a significant challenge for both employers and employees. Explore the nuances of employer dress codes and the law.
Workplace gender discrimination occurs when a job applicant or employee is mistreated based on their sex or gender. Find out more about what causes workplace gender discrimination, how to prevent it and the legal protections for workers.
Specialized knowledge is an essential currency for advancement. Learn from current students how Tulane University’s online Master of Jurisprudence programs can elevate your career.
HR professionals must be well-versed in intellectual property and trademark laws to educate employees and foster an environment that aligns with IP and trademark ethical and legal standards. Explore the importance of protecting IP in the age of social media.
Labor and employment law structures the limits and possibilities of the workplace, and thus affects everyone within them. Human resource management requires in-depth knowledge of employment law to ensure compliance, safety, equity, and prosperity. Understanding the law (and navigating all of its various acronyms), is fundamental to maintaining a safe and supportive workplace.
While you can build meaningful connections with your fellow students and professors in a 100% virtual environment, there is something to be said for meeting in person and experiencing student life first hand. This is where Tulane University Law School’s Immersion Weekend comes into play.
The rise in popularity of social media platforms has people clamoring for clout, and in this pursuit of internet fame, some have found themselves in hot water at work. As a business owner or an HR professional, it’s essential to understand what challenges you might run into around employee social media use, as well as how to effectively navigate these social media legal issues when they do arise.
Discover the keys to LGBTQIA+ workplace equality and legal compliance with insights from Tulane Law's recent Virtual Speaker Series on LGBTQIA+ rights in the workplace.
Focused on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)—also referred to as Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DIB),—a recent Tulane University conversation centered especially around safe spaces and allyship between men and women in the workplace.
As part of a new Tulane Law Online Virtual Speaker Series, faculty members Professor Laura Avery, JD of Kerry Murphy Law, Professor Gillian Egan, corporate counsel APL Logistics and Professor Saru Matambanadzo, senior director of online legal education, sat down to discuss the history of pregnancy discrimination legislation and the impact of the new acts on the employment discrimination law landscape.
Tulane’s online Master of Jurisprudence in Labor and Employment Law (MJ-LEL) program was designed to accelerate careers and improve the day-to-day efficacy of professionals with HR responsibilities. Don't just take our word for it.
The legal landscape for marijuana use is evolving and complicated by regulation at the federal, state and local government level. Recent developments can significantly impact hiring and employment practices. Companies that don't adjust their HR policies and operations to reflect relevant changes may be exposed to increased legal liabilities. Find out more about these developments.
Longtime Tulane University Professor Saru Matambanadzo has been named Senior Director of Online Legal Education. This announcement comes as a new leadership team has been assembled to expand Tulane’s innovative online law programs.
Explore the various reports that cover law school acceptance rates and more. These reports can be great resources to provide you with data points to consider in your law school search.
In 2010, the EPA set out to determine if fracking has any effect on drinking water. The report that resulted, Hydraulic Fracturing for Oil and Gas: Impacts from the Hydraulic Fracturing Water Cycle on Drinking Water Resources in the United States, was revised twice before the final version was released in 2016.
Making the decision to attend law school is a considerable educational investment in your future. The cost of law school varies based on where you choose to study—both the program and on whether the institution you choose to attend is public or private.
The practice of environmental law is critical to the modern world. The 1987 report, Toxic Wastes and Race in the United States, helped to kick off the environmental justice movement with a focus on the disproportionate amount of toxic waste sites in minority communities.
Land is one of the most valuable assets, and one of the most tightly regulated resources, in the United States. Recent decades have seen a marked rise in these regulations, increasing the demand for highly skilled, multitalented attorneys who succeed as negotiators, advocates, and advisors.
How hard is law school? Explore a list of what makes law school hard. It is undoubtedly more challenging than undergrad, but around 40,000 law students graduate every year, meaning a law degree is attainable.
Law School Transparency (LST) is a non-profit organization that focuses on consumer advocacy and public education around the legal profession. LST’s mission is to make entry to legal professions transparent, affordable and fair.
You’re hoping to build a home. Your client is looking to buy property on which she’ll open a new business. Your friend’s industrial manufacturing company is growing and needs a larger physical space. Welcome to land use and zoning law.
Making the decision to go to law school should not be made on a whim. The questions in this blog will help you answer the question: Should I go to law school?
For Alexandra Torres Rodriguez, Tulane University stood out. The law school’s Online MJ in Labor and Employment Law focused on meeting the real needs of HR professionals in the workplace, but it also gave her an unbeatable background in compliance and the law.
Environmental lawyers can challenge water quality issues, land use and nuclear waste at power plants. They might also counsel municipalities, manufacturers or developers on how to minimize their environmental impact.
American environmental laws protect our health and the nation’s economic viability. Also referred to as environmental and natural resource laws, they protect the land, air, water and soil, and prevent and reduce environmental pollution while managing natural resources.
Understanding how to get into law school can feel like a challenge, but it does not need to be. It is just a matter of taking each part of the process step by step and knowing what to expect. First you will need to decide which type of degree is right for you.
Attending law school online might seem like an unusual way to earn a degree. However, in 2021, it’s become apparent that working or studying remotely is more than feasible. It is actually an ideal set-up for many experienced professionals, parents and those new to their field.
Determining how long law school will be for you depends on what types of law degrees you’re interested in and what you are hoping to gain from your education. Are you hoping to pursue a career as a lawyer? Or are you already a lawyer and want to specialize in a particular practice of law?
The Clean Water Act is a cornerstone of U.S. environmental regulations. Originating from the Federal Water Pollution Control Act of 1948, the policy’s goal is to protect streams, rivers, lakes and bays throughout the United States. It allows the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to define water quality and wastewater standards for industries, managing the discharge of pollutants in navigable waterways.
Understanding the complexities of HR employment law is challenging for every human resources professional. However, the first step to mastering the regulations that guide the field is to know how far-reaching federal regulations and employment laws are in the United States.
Tulane University Law School is launching three new degree and certificate programs to help today’s professionals better navigate the complex laws that are a part of their everyday life.
In the scientific and popular lexicon, “climate change” can be traced back to a 1975 paper by geochemist Wallace Broecker and a 1979 report by the National Academy of Science.
By 1970, the United States was reeling from a series of environmental disasters, including Ohio’s Cuyahoga River bursting into flames. Public concern skyrocketed. In response, Presi...
As top predators with few natural enemies, bluefin tuna once enjoyed long lifespans in thriving oceans. However, over the past 80 years, overfishing led to an estimated 80% to 90% population reduction. Consumers seek out this highly prized delica...
Entering the history books with record-breaking storms, 2020 also witnessed record-breaking damage and human displacement.1 The future is not looking brighter, either. Scientists estimate that by 2050 the lives and livelihoods of more...
Even as the massive storm approached Japan, people felt relatively safe facing the floodwaters of Typhoon Hagibis. Historically prone to earthquakes, tsunamis, typhoons and other severe storms leading to hea...
In the 12 months preceding November 2019, over 70 million people were hired and over 75 million separated from their current employer. The need for successful employment is a fact that millions of Americans are facing eve...
In the field of law, professionals must stay up to date on recent laws that have been passed and lawsuits that have been filed. Staying aware of changes to employment law is particularly important, as employment la...
It’s all too easy to think that labor laws only affect other people. Common employment law issues include considerations of the minimum wage, leave time when employees become parents, and retirement plans for those who save a portion of their income.
Developing a Plan to Keep your Career Moving Forward Having a focused, attainable HR professional development plan that is tuned in to your industry and personal goals is essential to keeping up in this fast-paced and dynamic field. Though you can’t be an expert in everything, HR professionals are expected to continue to expand and enhance their knowledge and skill base throughout their career.
Exploring the Master of Jurisprudence with Online Student Amanda Haddaway With more than 180 federal labor laws currently governing over 125 million U.S. workers, human resources (HR) professionals have a lot to consider as they manage things like benefits administration, employment standards and various aspects of legal compliance.1
Environmental law jobs staffed by adept, knowledgeable and decisive professionals have never been more important. As the complex mechanisms of our society learn to work together to preserve our fragile and changing ecosystem, evolving environmental regulations impact numerous industries and fields across both the private and public sectors.
November 20, 2020
The emerging renewable energy industries are as heavily regulated as more conventional energy industries like oil and gas are. Consequently, renewable energy law jobs exist within many organizations whose work is either governed by legal regulations or aimed at changing them. Not all of these jobs are for attorneys; rather, many are simply best performed by professionals who have a detailed understanding of the state, local and federal regulations that pertain to their specific industry.
Student Spotlight: Gary Maxwell (MJ '18) When it comes to Tulane University Law School's online Master of Jurisprudence in Labor & Employment Law (MJ-LEL) program, human resources (HR) is the first field to pop into most prospective students' minds. But, as students are already realizing, employment law extends far beyond the realm of HR.
Although professionals working in human resources (HR) benefit greatly from the online Master of Jurisprudence in Labor & Employment Law (MJ-LEL) program at Tulane University Law School, it is not intended only for professionals currently working in or with backgrounds in HR.
Passion, Talent and Prestige: the Perks of Tulane University Q: How did you feel at the start of the online program versus today? What were your expectations? Were they met, exceeded or changed? A: Based on the reputation of Tulane University Law School and professor Joel Friedman, my expectations were quite high that the program content would be second to none.
The Online Degree HR Professionals Need Q: How did you feel at the start of the program versus today? What were your expectations? Were they met, exceeded or changed? A: I was actually a little nervous! I finished a master’s degree in 2008, but I really hadn’t taken any formal courses since then, and it takes a little while to get back into the routine of being a student. The coursework is challenging, and I like that.
Confidentiality is a foundational element of many professions, particularly those covered by legal regulations regarding privileged communication, such as doctors and lawyers.
When applying to graduate school, your personal statement is a critical representation of your personality, passion and commitment, and it’s of equal importance to your academic record. Why? Because while it’s generally expected that those who apply to graduate programs are both qualified and motivated, it could be your personal statement that separates you from the crowd and persuades the admissions team to settle on you as a prime candidate.
Deregulation & Due Diligence Workers’ compensation rules across the country are undergoing rapid change. Until recently, Texas was the only state that allowed companies to withdraw from the state-run workers' compensation insurance program. In 2013, Oklahoma also passed a law that has created a path for private employers to withdraw from state-operated insurance.
The phrase “equal opportunity employer” is often used in job descriptions or at the top of the careers section of a company’s website. But what does it mean?
Student Spotlight: Natalia Hernandez (MJ '19) What happens when you land your dream job? You set your sights even higher.
Student Spotlight: Erika Hathaway (MJ '19) Erika Hathaway works in recruiting for a large tech company in Seattle, but she wasn’t always looking for human resources jobs. Erika earned her undergraduate degree in public health. When she was considering her career options, she wanted to find a job that combined her two loves: policy and working with people.
Identifying Workplace Issues of Modern HR Professionals The modern-day HR professional has a variety of issues to deal with every day. Since, in many ways, it’s their job to keep their company running smoothly, we’ve collected a short list of common issues in HR that could help do just that. The following three trends have become increasingly significant in the HR world, and will continue to be moving forward.
A Conversation with Program Director Joel Friedman A strong understanding of human resources (HR) with a sturdy legal foundation is what Tulane University Law School's online Master of Jurisprudence in Labor & Employment Law (MJ-LEL) program helps provide our students.
A Conversation with Professor Elizabeth Townsend-Gard Understanding intellectual property (IP) and how it affects office work, policies and life is difficult to navigate for any company or human resources (HR) professional. We use IP everyday, so utilizing practical applications of IP, with strong legal foundations, are vital to every organization's daily life.
Breaking Down the Benefits of a Master’s With a Legal Focus A Master of Jurisprudence in Labor & Employment Law. It sounds fancy—but what does it really mean?
For human resources (HR) professionals, landing a job is only the beginning of their time spent with the application process. Once hired, the tables will turn and they’ll find themselves on the hiring end of the spectrum.
You’re the boss of a dynamic team at work, and you’ve recently realized that you need to let your weakest performer go. It’s not budget cuts or staff layoffs—the employee in question, Daniel, has consistently come into work late and missed deadlines, and his negative attitude is affecting your team. In line with recommended practices, you’ve already given Daniel a PIP (Performance Improvement Plan) with measurable goals for him to achieve, which spanned a timeline of 60 days. Daniel’s performance has not improved during that time, and his attitude and habits continue to have a negative impact at work.
Picture it: You head up a team of hard-working, super-productive employees with can-do, positive attitudes. Like the gears of a well-oiled machine, everyone on your team comes in on time and does their job without needing constant monitoring… everyone, that is, except Daniel. Daniel is the lowest performer on your team — he comes in late, needs more supervision on projects than everyone else and regularly misses deadlines. His attitude is also lacking; you’ve noticed him trying to get others on the team to take on his negative feelings towards higher management.
A Brief Guide for HR Professionals Developing a performance improvement plan, or PIP, can be challenging for all parties involved. Neither the supervisor, the employee being put on the plan or the human resources (HR) professional in charge of implementing the plan is pleased to have reached the point of requiring one. Ideally, however, a PIP should be looked at as an opportunity.
3 Strategies for HR Professionals It can be a real challenge to land a job, especially one within a person’s desired field that offers a competitive salary and good benefits.
One of the greatest benefits of pursuing careers in human resources (HR) is that it's an exceptionally broad field with many different paths for success. Whether you’re trying to figure out how to start a career in HR or you've been working in HR for years, you'll be able to find and follow your own direction based on your personal interests and strengths.
The impact that COVID-19 is having on our country, economy and workforce is profound. We are fighting for our lives, for our loved ones—and for most, our businesses. I’ve heard this current business climate referred to as “surreal, unprecedented and unparalleled,” and at the front of the fight for businesses and their employees everywhere are the human resources professionals.
Understanding and Handling Compliance in Human Resources In any business environment, there are certain federal and state regulations, rules and standards that must be met and upheld. These are commonly referred to as compliances—and both employers and employees are responsible for adhering to them. Often, within a company, the bulk of the compliance work falls under the human resources (HR) umbrella.1 HR professionals are responsible for understanding which compliances must be met. They are also responsible for communicating those needs and developing ways for employees to meet them.
A Simple List to Help Protect You, Employees and Employers When an employee sits down to work at their company computer during the workday, it’s generally understood that their efforts and output fall under the company’s umbrella of legal ownership. However, what happens when the same employee is working off-hours, from home or on their personal computer? Do the same rules apply? How is the ownership of intellectual property (IP) determined?
A Q&A Session with Our Online MJ-LEL Program Director Joel Wm. Friedman is the Jack M. Gordon Professor of Procedural Law and Jurisdiction at Tulane University Law School and program director for the school’s Master of Jurisprudence in Labor & Employment Law (MJ-LEL) program. A J.D. graduate of Yale Law School, he joined the Tulane faculty in 1976 and is an internationally renowned expert in employee discrimination and labor and employment laws.
How do you define parental leave? If you’re like most, you think of mothers taking time off work to give birth, and then spend time with her newborn. Multiple studies indicate that access to paid parental leave positively impacts postpartum health and overall wellness for both baby and mom.
Student Spotlight: Janet Bashen (MJ '18) For those with established experience in human resources (HR), you may be under the impression you know all there is to know about HR and applying it in your workplace. But that couldn't be further from the truth.
Student Spotlight: Bob Oberstein With 47 years of work experience and multiple degrees under his belt, Bob Oberstein may seem like the perfect candidate for retirement. Instead, he’s going back to school.
If you attended college on campus, you may be a little uneasy when first considering joining an online graduate program. But in addition to offering the convenience you need for a livable work-life-school balance, the digital classroom brings the rigorous and collaborative nature of grad school to students wherever they may be.
When it comes to human resources (HR), it's often easy to overlook the field's intense emphasis on employment law, but understanding compliancy is absolutely paramount to an HR professional's ability to protect the organization from legal action.
If you’ve considered a graduate-level human resources (HR) education, it’s important to explore programs that emphasize the significance of labor and employment law. While this sector of the HR profession can seem complicated and daunting, understanding legal compliance is a critical component in any strategy meant to protect an organization and its employees from legal action.
When it comes to joining Tulane University Law School's online Master of Jurisprudence in Labor & Employment Law (MJ-LEL) program, our students generally choose to pursue our degree for two equally vital reasons: They need the flexibility of studying online and the human resources (HR) law expertise only a university as prestigious as Tulane can offer. That's what brought current student Jean to the digital classroom.
Abraham Lincoln: American Politician and Lawyer
February 12, 2017
Confidentiality is a foundational element of many professions, particularly those covered by legal regulations regarding privileged communication, such as doctors and lawyers.